CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
We are excited to offer the Regional Mini-Camp to the JBers in the Mid-Atlantic and New England chapters at Refreshing Mountain in Stevens, PA.
As an organization dedicated to inclusivity, CISV Brandywine Valley welcomes youth with all experiences and backgrounds.
Check in is on Friday, April 25th, from 6:30 to 7:15 pm. Camp ends on Sunday morning, April 27th at 11:00 am.
NOTE: No dinner is served on Friday night.
Refreshing Mountain is located west of Philadelphia and north of Lancaster. Click here for a Google map of the location.
Help make RMC possible by being a chaperone! CISV rules require one chaperone for every eight youth. Chaperoning is a very low-key way for adults to see what the kids actually do at CISV (and it’s super easy, because the JB board plans all the activities). Chaperones must be over 21 and have background checks on file with their chapter.
Chaperone shifts are as follows:
Friday, 6:30 pm – Saturday, 2:30 pm (Saturday breakfast & lunch included)
and/or Saturday, 2:00 pm – Sunday, 11:00 am (Saturday dinner & Sunday breakfast included)
Chaperones are FREE! and encouraged to come and watch their child learn about CISV.
Click here for the chaperone registration link.
Registration Fee: $199. The deadline to register and complete payment at this price is April 10th. This fee covers 2 nights of lodging, 4 meals (Saturday breakfast through Sunday breakfast), and a camp t-shirt!!
The registration fee from April 11th through April 21st is $215. We cannot guarantee a t-shirt for registrations made during this time.
We can only accept payment through Paypal. Payment must be made for registration to be considered complete.
Check-in is on Friday, April 25th, from 6:30 to 7:15 pm. (Please let us know if you will be arriving late.)
Pick-up is on Sunday at 11:00 am. PLEASE BE PROMPT.
If you are arriving by train, we can help with transportation from the Exton Amtrak/Septa Station. Please email us when registering so we can assist with a car pool from/to the train station.
If you are arriving by air, please reach out before registering so we can make arrangements to provide transportation from/to Philadelphia Airport. If you fly to Philadelphia, we can provide sleeping bags and pillows to reduce the amount of baggage you will need to bring.
What to bring:
Comfy clothes (cold and wet weather clothes, too!)
Running shoes for games and activities
Reusable water bottle
Flip flops or shower shoes
Medicines (NOTE: If you bring any medications, they must be accompanied by instructions and kept with and administered by a chaperone. This includes over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, cold medicine, etc.)
Twin bed linens and blanket or sleeping bag
A snack to share (labeled as vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc., as applicable)
Required forms – see below
DO NOT bring laptops or expensive clothes/gadgets. Note that cell phone and tablet use will not be permitted by participants during the activities.
Do you have any dietary needs? We will do our best to accommodate special diet requests (please indicate on registration form), but recommend that those with special dietary needs bring along their own supplemental FOOD and/or SNACKS.
Do you require any special accommodations? Please tell us about them on the registration page as well.
How to Register:
– Each participant must be a member of any CISV chapter. Register here to become a member of Brandywine Valley.
– Each participant must also complete the Youth-Legal-Form – 2025 RMC. This form requires the signature of both the participant and a parent and a copy of your family’s health insurance card. Please email the completed form and health insurance card to by April 23rd. A reminder email will be sent prior to camp requesting these items.
– Each participant must register and pay for Regional Mini-Camp below.
Contact information and questions:
General questions: Email the Brandywine Valley Chapter President: Steven Simon.
During camp: We will send a contact name and number before camp begins.