CMC. LIC. PDPEFs. NAs. NJbot. JBers. Village. Mosaic … What?!?
Isn’t it time you joined the BV board and learned all what all these terms really mean?
I will never forget the first time I sat in on a BV chapter meeting. I could barely follow the mass jumble of acronyms and terms being bantered around, all of which define the various programs and structure of Brandywine Valley CISV and beyond. I was intrigued and I definitely didn’t like not being in the “know.” And, to top it off, my kids were already fluently speaking the CISV language. I knew I had to learn more and get involved because my kids were already hooked!
Since then I have served the chapter in many ways: newsletter, LIC, committee chair for several programs, and (with a little kicking and screaming and a generous dose of fear) finally chapter president. (Which turned out to be much better than expected, no worries!)
While I will admit the “job” can be challenging – programs don’t always get filled; fundraisers don’t always make as much as we would love – the rewards are immense. Working closely with our junior branch, watching these kids grow into responsible, global citizens; understanding how such a complex international organization can continue to thrive in our world; meeting like-minded people from right in my own backyard; and having the privilege of attending local, national and international meetings has made me a CISVer for life!
Now, finally, to my point! We are currently looking for two members to come on to the board as board-members-at-large. Becoming a board-member-at-large requires a one-year commitment, which hopefully evolves into a more committed role.
If you are interested in learning more and/or joining our board, we encourage you to attend our next monthly board meeting on March 2nd at 7 pm. Who knows, you might become hooked yourself!
In the meantime, if you want to know more now! please contact Jean Bitner. I am happy to talk at any time. In addition, read about CISV Board Roles. Or to learn about other opportunities available, check out our Volunteer Opportunities page.
We hope you will consider joining the board and/or supporting the chapter on a volunteer basis to find where you fit best!
Thank you.
~ Jodi Knapp, Past President