The camp consisted of 50 people from all regions of the world. We had participants from Argentina, Brazil, USA, Norway, Spain, Italy, Israel, Egypt and Thailand. Throughout camp, the participants were able break down cultural differences to take charge and solve problems that arose. They held camp meetings and worked in a democratic way (with little assistance from leaders and staff) to address conflicts and develop resolutions. This is truly what a Step Up is all about.
CISV’s theme for the year is human rights. Our participants planned many activities to explore various aspects of this theme, including National Activities where delegations shed light onto various human rights issues in their countries.
Two activities stand out in particular. The first was run by our Norwegian staff member, Mats, who works in a refugee camp for Afghan boys in Norway. After a running activity that simulated the experience many refugees experience while searching for asylum, Mats set up a Skype session with one of the refugees he works with. The boy told us his story, and our program participants were able to ask him questions. It was very powerful to put a face, name, and voice to the people in this situation.
Another powerful activity was led by the Israeli delegation. They wanted to simulate the daily fear they experience while living in a country that is at war. To do this, they left camp early one morning with their bags. Upon waking, the staff called a camp meeting where they explained that the delegation “had to leave camp due to an accident at home [Israel].” This of course caused many emotions and the rest of the camp was extremely upset. A few hours later, the delegation returned and held a very successful debrief about what happened.
Along with learning a lot, the camp was also a lot of fun. Highlights included excursions to Philadelphia and a swimming pool, bonding over cold showers, daily lullabies by all the ukulele and guitar players (including their daily “#ukeleleproject” selection), and of course, songs and games in the dining hall.
A big thank you goes out to Sutton Faller and all of the Brandywine Valley chapter members who helped make our Step Up program a successful, fun, and meaningful experience for all!