This past summer, six of our JBers participated in Interchange with six JBers from Munich, Germany. Here is what a few of the participants have to say about their experience.
Adlai reports:
Interchange was a fantastic experience because I got to see how people live in another country. When I got to Munich, Jan’s family gave me a bus pass! His parents would leave to go to work and Jan and I could go around the city and explore. More freedom and responsibility than I had ever had in my life.
They also took me camping for my first time. Jan and I were such a great match. When he was here we spent a week playing the board game Near and Far. I loved Interchange so much I hope to do it again this year.
Alex adds:
Interchange was a lot of fun. It was really strange living with a different family, who speaks a whole different language, but they accommodated well. Plus two weeks in Germany was really cool.
Zora says:
During interchange it was nice to experience all the diverse personalities of everyone there and make connections with my partner. One of my favorite things during interchange was being with my partner’s family and experiencing the country and how they all lived. It was so interesting to see because it was so different from everyday life in the US. They did so many things from travel on the subway by themselves to eating with both forks and knives all the time!