CISV is able to offer affordable international and national cultural exchanges because we are a non-profit, predominantly volunteer organization.
The BV chapter is a 100% volunteer, non-profit organization. We are a 501 (c) (3) charity and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
All donations are tax deductible CISV programs are typically less that 50% of the price of other popular organizations. The programs are affordable because the hosting chapter is bearing the cost of food and lodging for the youth. Our chapter hosts programs so that youth in the Brandywine Valley can have opportunities with other chapters all over the world. We maintain a regular hosting schedule as economically as we can. We ask for everyone’s help to put “drops in the bucket.” It adds up to the financial support we need. Here are the ways that Brandywine Valley raises money:
1. Donate directly to CISV and support all our programs
What: Scrip is a fund raising program BV uses to sell gift cards from hundreds of retail chains – retailers you already patronize – that can be used in their stores or on-line at the retailer’s web site, over many visits. To place your order, determine the retailer names, the denomination of the cards offered, and quantity of each denomination you wish to buy.
How: Place your order by email with Mark Shryock (you can even set up a repeating order).
When: By 9pm on the Sunday before the monthly meeting (unless you have requested a repeating order) to receive your order that week.
Where: Mark will deliver the cards at the Monthly Meetings – either to you or your JBer. Special deliveries can be made if requested.) Payment by check is preferred at delivery (make your check out to BV CISV). Cash is accepted but must be the exact amount.
Why: Each card purchased generates revenue directly to BV. So your card purchases help fund chapter activities and programs.
Question: Email Mark for answers.
Shop through BV gets % of sale for all the popular shopping sites.
4. Amazon Smiles
If you shop at, designate your charity at Amazon Smiles by clicking here:
5. Fall Fundraiser
Attend and/or sponsor the annual fall event (early November)
6. Annual Appeal
Donate to the annual appeal (April); check if your company matches.
7. Car Wash
Volunteer at the annual car wash (May) Sunoco at Boot and 352.
8. CISV Merchandise
Buy CISV Logo wear! On sale at some JB meetings, the Pot Luck Dinner, and the June Picnic.
9. Grants
Volunteer to search for and apply for grants.
10. Fundraising
Come to us with a good fundraising idea to try. We are open to trying new things. Become a member of the Fundraising Committee and help organize the various events throughout the year.