CISV educates and inspires action for a more just and peaceful world.
It’s time to get your mask on (or help others to).
For BV’s spring mosaic this year, we will be making masks and donating them to the West Chester branch of Valley Youth House (VYH). Both sewn and non-sewn CDC approved mask patterns will be provided, but feel free to use a different, safe sewing pattern if you want to. We are asking participants to use approved materials that may already be in your closet (clothing, scrap fabric, sheet etc).
Sunday, April 11, 2021; 1 to 3 pm.
Zoom! Information will be sent out to everyone after registration closes.
All members of BV are encouraged to participate (adults and JBers), but after the actual mask making, we will have a JB only discussion. Can’t wait to see you there!
Non-sewn Mask Materials
**Use 100% cotton, washable, densely woven fabric such as fabric from a dress shirt, sheet. Many shirts that button up the front are 100% cotton and would work fine. Repurpose! NO t-shirts.