Application Deadline

December 31st marks Brandywine Valley's application deadline for all programs this coming Spring and Summer. Please check out the various opportunities listed here. Email applications to Printed forms, including referee forms, can be mailed to: Brandywine Valley CISV, 1442 Pottstown Pike, #174, West Chester PA 19380

Seven Chapters Unite at RMC – Peace by Piece

What's as much fun as CMC but with even more JBers? Why it is NERMC! Sign up fast through the link on the pre-camp here.  What's that, you ask? Why, it is North East Regional Mini Camp: one of the coolest events of the year! It is a weekend full of activities with participants from…

Annual Board Retreat

Mandatory meeting for all members of the Adult and JB Board. This meeting, which takes place annually, ensures that BV is ready for the upcoming CISV year! Adult and JB Board members gather to discuss the previous winter/spring/summer programs to help take advantage of the successes and institute improvements. In addition, they will plan upcoming…

International Day of Peace – Come Celebrate with Us!

   “When you build a house, you start with one brick. If we want to build peace, we should start with one day. That has arrived.” - Jeremy Gilley, Dallas Morning News This year, our Junior Branch will be planning the activities for our annual Peace One Day celebration! The activities may be a surprise, but…

Program Information Session

Come to our Informational Session to learn about CISV International and our Brandywine Chapter. Learn about the upcoming 2019 program opportunities. Our first open house will be held on November 8th. (Our next one will be held on November 28th!) To maintain the long-term "health" of BV chapter, we are asking every chapter family to…