There are a variety of small and big ways in which families can support our local Chapter to help build global as well as local friendships among our youth. One can donate by providing direct contributions, support fundraising events, help with planning local hosting programs or have some fun getting to know other CISV parents by joining the Chapter Board or volunteering as a member on one of our Chapter Committees.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have volunteer positions open that require the unique talents of our membership! Please look at our current volunteer opportunities here.
The safety of our children is priority #1, so we urge you to get your background checks/clearances now so you are able help with events alongside your child right from the get-go.
The instructions and forms are here. Heather Simon is our background check manager, and she can assist if you have questions about the process. Please notify her via email when you’ve submitted the online forms. Thank you!
Join Our Board
The Brandywine Valley Chapter posts board openings annually. As a board member, you will actively participate in steering the direction of the chapter, chapter decision-making and organizational efforts as well as support and improve the CISV environment where youth thrive and grow. There is no better way to support your JBer who LOVES CISV in this meaningful way. Yes, it is work. Yes, there is an expected commitment. Yes, it is rewarding. Yes, it is fun! The slate of candidates are announced in early May and voted in at the Annual Membership Picnic in early June. Please check out of our list of Board positions and descriptions here.
Join the Junior Branch
This JB membership form must be submitted in September of each year for membership . Membership for Brandywine Valley is $15 for an individual membership or $30 for a family membership.