We take great pleasure in partnering with and promoting those non-profits who align with our mission or are just great community alliances. Please visit the web-sites of these organizations to learn more about them:
Growing Up Global: Raising Children to be at Home In the World. Member Sue Silverstein recommends this very appropriate read for our membership! This can be found at all local and on-line book stores. Janet also has a copy to lend to members, if interested. Homa Sabet Tavangar, the author, was recently at a local Chester County Book & Music Company book signing.
International Day of Peace! To see what’s planned in the world: http://www.internationaldayofpeace.org/;a project of the Culture of Peace Initiative (CPI).
Beyond War: Beyond War is a community of people from around the world who are committed to ending the use of warfare in this century.
Partners of the Americas: To work together as citizen volunteers from Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States to improve the lives of people across the hemisphere.
HomeAid for Africa: Our group’s mission is to advocate for and assist those affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa, especially women and children (infected, non-infected, or orphaned). We seek to increase public awareness of the pandemic and to raise funds to support direct services.
Rotary International District 7450: Each year Rotary International manages a student Exchange program for about 8,600 high school students from around the world. Rotary Youth Exchange is open to all high school students (Rotarians and non-Rotarians) who are 15-1/2 to 18-1/2 as of next August 1st. Most students exchange either their junior year, or the year after high school. The program is very affordable, and needs based scholarships are available.