CISV runs summer camps for children all over the world. Our most popular program, Village, is a monthlong camp for eleven-year-olds from 12 countries. The program’s goal is for each delegate to develop friendships, gain critical thinking, and enhance communication skills, all of which can be applied in that delegate’s community. CISV also runs camps for kids up to 18 years old, increasingly offering opportunities for children to learn and to lead.
While CISV aims to make its camps affordable, they are still out of reach for many families who desperately want to give their children the chance to learn these life skills.
As a member of our local CISV chapter’s Junior Branch, which is comprised of children ages 10-18, I work with my fellow “JBers” to achieve our mission to:
- Empower youth through education to foster inclusiveness, social awareness, and action within local, national, and international communities.
Focusing on the words “empower” and “inclusiveness,” CISV Brandywine Valley is raising money for scholarships so that more kids in the area can attend these life-changing camps. Our goal is to raise $3,000.
Please donate here:
Brandywine Valley Scholarship Fund
If you prefer to donate by check, please send to:
Junior Branch Scholarship Fund
Brandywine Valley CISV
1050 Airport Road, #5021
West Chester, PA 19380