Until further notice, we’re planning on having our regular chapter and board meetings virtually every month. (With the exception of September, we will meet the first Thursday of each month.)
To request a link to either the JB or Adult Board meeting, please email us at brandywine@cisvusa.org
We also have a few other great virtual events scheduled that will be open to adults and the chapter kids. This series is called “Conversations for Change.” We launched this series with our summer book discussion in which we focused on “Stamped” (by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi). This series will invite you to watch, read, or listen to a program/book and then gather for a discussion about what surprised you and what you learned. Stay tuned!
In-person activities include a movie night on September 25 (with a rain date of September 26). This will be held outdoors. Bring your own popcorn and a soda, and a chair or blanket for a fun evening. Make sure to attend the chapter meeting on September 17th, so you can vote for your favorite movie choice!
We’re going to have a great year! We are energized by the challenges and excited to be creative. This year has had so much sadness and stress; our goal is that participating in CISV will bring bright moments to your upcoming months. We also recognize that families are in different places in terms of what is happening, so please reach out with any concerns or questions.
Click here to view and print calendar. Due to Covid, we will be monitoring health and government recommendations/ requirements, and adjusting plans as needed. You will see both virtual and in-person events in the calendar. We want to make sure that all families have the opportunity to participate in a format that feels comfortable and safe.